This or That? Why All Natural Body Butters are Better for your Skin.

 Let's Play a Game of This or That.

It's very important that we take care of our skin daily. We must protect it, wash it, and moisturize it. We want our skin to stay happy and healthy and we do that by knowing what is good for the skin and what's downright BAD for the skin.  In today's game of "This or That" we are deciding what is the better product for our skin. 

In one category you have big brand chemically processed lotions filled with harmful ingredients such as heavy metals, parabens, talc, preservatives, and a bunch of other ingredients we may have never heard of or probably can't pronounce. Some are even made with nonharmful ingredients but with additives such as water and alcohol and filler oils, vegetable oil, glycerin, or mineral oils. In this case, the lotion is being stretched or thinned out and the consumer is not getting the max benefit for their bucks. 

In another category, you have an all-natural body butter that is moisturizing, skin nourishing, made with fresh Earth-made ingredients, no dyes, no chemicals, no preservatives, fair trade, cruelty-free, and in transparent and recyclable or reusable packaging. 

 The thing about lotions is that some are cheaper and more easily accessible. Some come in pretty bottles with pretty manufactured smells. These are better, right? Wrong! More and more people like myself, who are natural product connoisseurs, are trying to encourage consumers that we need to limit the toxins we are introducing to our skin. We usually don't find out what damage these harmful things have done to our skin until it's too late. We can start with our lotions, soaps, deodorants, toothpaste, and laundry detergent

A Brief about the BAD stuff.

Parabens- Can cause skin irritations, disrupt hormones, and increase cancer.

Preservatives-We love preservatives because they can extend the shelf life of our products and reduce bacteria, and microbes, but if you are purchasing your natural products from a clean natural vendor that you trust, you shouldn't worry. Also, the purpose of buying a product is to USE the product, so why would you want something with a 2-3 year shelf life? Most natural body butters have a natural shelf life of 1 year, especially if you keep your containers sealed, out of the sun, and free from water. There are some natural preservatives out there but you must read your labels.  Check out this article: Natural Preservatives for Cosmetics and Beauty. 

Talc (Talcum Powder)- It helps our products look pretty and adds shine and softness but down the road also causes cancer and birth defects. You can read more here: Talcum Research. 

Examples of Heavy Metals found in Lotions:

  • lead
  • mercury
  • cadmium
  • arsenic
  • nickel
  • aluminum
Heavy metals interact with free radicals like dust, dirt, and smog, and cause collagen loss in the skin which causes wrinkles, fine lines, and crow's feet. 

Other Resources Explaining Why Lotions are Bad.

Harmful Ingredients found in Lotion.

The Toxic Chemical found in Lotion.

We need our skin, FOREVER. It takes care of us so let's take care of it. 

We read to learn and the more we learn, the more we can teach others.

 Reading is fundamental!

Disclaimer: The Butta Guru and Herbal Influences cannot give personal advice about an individual's medical condition. Statements are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. You are strongly encouraged to consult your medical adviser with questions about using natural products or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

