How to Take Care of Your ALL Natural Body Butters

I hope everyone is during well! Your Butta Guru is working as always, working, caring for kids, working some more, and doing her thing! Loving what I do with providing you all the best and finest quality of  ALL Natural Handcrafted body butters. My body butters are chemical free, paraben free, water free, peservative free, and cruelty free. These butters are crafted from their natural state into a super power body butter packed full of the vitamins and nutients our skin loves and needs.
 We love our body butters, they look and they smell really great buuuuuuut we need to remember to take care of our body butters. Say What? Oh yes, we have to take care of our body butters so that we can enjoy the full benefits of them. Well, how can we do that, you say? Easy! It's not really complex, just 3 important rules to follow and those are: Keeping your butters out of the heat, remembering shelf life, and keeping the body butters covered.

Do not leave your butters in your car.

"My butta melted!"

I get this all the time from customers on the go, leaving their awesome butters in a hot car. The customers were on their way to work or whatever, moisturing and putting body butter on, and leave them in the car in midsummer July, 80 plus degree weather. One main rule about all natural body butters especially, the Butta Guru's products, is that they are not made with any preservatives of any kind, natural nor chemically
altered. So like cooking butters and oils, these ALL Natural Handcrafted body butters tend to melt in hot temperatures. Shea butters are thicker so they can withstand temps up to 85-90 degrees before melting but thinner butters like coconut oil have a melting point of 70 degrees. Not to say that these butters are no good in their oily state, which they still are, it's just things could get a little messy with butters that are in jars verses butters in a bottle. But don't fret if your butters melt. Why? Because melted butters are just as potent in oil form as well as butter form.
You can still use your melted butter.

If your butters do melt, leave them in their respected jars and put them in a cool place for a little while. The texture may change a bit but the butters will still be usable and  WILL do their jobs.

Shelf life.
My personal collection of body butters.

The Butta Guru's ALL Natural Handcrafted body butters have a shelf life of one year. Every natural product on the market is different but since there  are no chemicals and epreservatives The Butta Guru's body butters, keeping these butters beyond their expiration point puts your butters at risk of going bad, smelling horrible, and rancid. If you are like me, I have tons of body butters in my personal collection. (Of course, I'm The Butta Guru)!  I have plenty other natural products (not crafted by me) as well because I love to try other fellow natural connoisseur and crafters' products. I enjoy and respect everyone's vision for natural products.

 To get the best benefit out of our natural products,  we should  go through our products every few months and toss out the old stuff.  Remember the point of purchase so we can discard old products accordingly.

Keep your tops on your butters. 

 Keeping your tops on your butters keep loose debris, bugs, and hair from falling into your butters. Keeping lids on your body butters also prevents them from drying out. Also, if you keep your butters in the bathroom during steamy shower times, keep the lids on the jars because water droplets from the steam can get into your butters, putting them at risk of developing mold. Who wants a moldy product? Gross!

Yay! That is pretty much it, 3 simple rules to follow when taking care of your ALL Natural body butters. I hope you enjoyed this brief.
 Please leave a comment and let me know what you think about any of The Butta Guru's Products. Your reviews are always welcomed and appreciated!

Peace and Blessings!

Visit my Etsy Store to purchase some of  The Butta Guru's amazing ALL Natural Handcrafted body butters!

Disclaimer: The Butta Guru cannot give personal advice about an individual's medical condition. Statements are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. You are strongly encouraged to consult your medical adviser with questions about using natural products or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Your Butta Guru, DiAndrea W
Most products contain nuts, do not use if you are allergic to products containing nuts.

Enjoy Responsibly!

ALL products are made to order. Please allow a process time of 2-3 business days with an additional 3-5 business day shipping. If there are any changes you will be immediately notified.

Due to the nature of the products I cannot accept returns or exchanges.


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