The Butta Guru " And I Quote: Part I"

Hello, Natural Connoisseurs and Butter Lovers! 

How was your Tuesday? I've been busy busy with life changes, job changes, kids, the business; trying to maintain and keep it going. I'm a single parent, an employee, a volunteer,  and a momtrepreneur. A momtrepreneur is a mom plus entrepreneur, in case you were wondering. Like others in my position sometimes life can be a little demanding and stressful. I feel I need a clone a lot of the times but I have to remind myself that, I got this!

    Although I may be running around crazy on the insides, I still try to take the time to inspire and motivate others around me. I do enjoy to write and be creative, that is the Pisces in me. I create short stories, romantic poems, and nowadays, little quotes. Writing to me is a better way for me to express myself. I feel I am doing my part to society, not only by sharing my love for nature but by shedding some positive perspective or kind words because I know that these words will touch SOMEBODY. That in itself motivates and encourages me! 😏

   "I prefer my products like my life, simple, natural, and toxin-free," this quote is about my products but it really is a representation of me. 
     I keep life simple and drama free. I do not like confrontation or commotion. Also, I'm my own natural individual. I don't always stay with the latest trends or keep up with the Joneses, and that is ok! That is too much of a hassle, costs too much money, and is very pointless. We got to be our own person and be satisfied with ourselves. Growing up, I wasn't the most popular kid in the class. I was quiet and shy with a small circle of friends, honor student, band geek, but I was happy. I was my own unique little unicorn and still am.
  Being your own individual is important. With all the t.v. and social media influences, not to say all are bad, but as parents and role models, we must remember to continue to teach our kids about self-appreciation, self-love, and self- respect. 
  Toxin-free is the way to be! Not just toxin- free on the inside but by factors and influences on the outside, i.e. toxic people and relationships. We should avoid toxic relationships and people at all cost because it's just not good for you. Negative people just bring you down! Surround yourself with positive, like-minded people. People with goals, ambitions, and has a positive outlook about the future. What is the saying, "misery loves company?" Not around me because I kick negativity to the curb!

I must say, I'm having a blast blogging! I'm networking and meeting new people from all over the World! I appreciate all the positive feedback I have been receiving regarding my blogs, products, and social media posts. I'm gonna keep the quotes coming so stay tuned. 
You ALL are awesome and I love you! 

I'm on Social Media!

Facebook @herbalinfluences

Disclaimer: The Butta Guru cannot give personal advice about an individual's medical condition. Statements are for informational purposes only and have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. You are strongly encouraged to consult your medical adviser with questions about using natural products or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Most products contain nuts, do not use if you are allergic to products containing nuts.

Enjoy Responsibly!


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